The Gardens
The gardens on the grounds have been planned and maintained by Sauk County Master Gardener Association volunteers. The large center garden is bordered by a split rail fence. This type of fence originated in America and has been used since the 1600’s. It was easy to build. The split wood rails are stacked on each other to create the fence. They did not require nails, posts, or post holes. These fences were used to indicate boundaries, control grazing animals, and even as a source of firewood, especially during the Civil War. In 2021 the large center garden, known as the Apothecary Garden because it is planted with herbs sometimes used as teas, poultices and medicine to cure early settlers ills. It was renamed in Phyllis Both honor to the Phyllis Both Memorial Apothecary Garden.
During WWI and WWII, many families grew Victory Gardens, tended by the school students as part of their lessons about the war and, the needs of the armies, and how to provide food for their families, as well as food for their lunches.